The Hargrett Hours Edition is a student-produced digital facsimile with edition and interpretive essays of UGA, Hargrett Library MS 836, a previously unstudied French Book of Hours. Under the direction of Dr. Cynthia Turner Camp, undergraduate and graduate students are transcribing, editing, researching, and writing about the texts in the Hargrett Hours, as well as those texts’ position within the devotional landscape of late medieval France. They are also studying the physical makeup of the book itself and its provenance. The work on this website is extending over multiple courses and several years; as a result, this site is being built out in stages.

This edition website was student-built in Fall 2018 by Christian Gallichio, Mikaela Lafave, Zachary McCannon, and Emily Walls with the assistance of UGA’s DigiLab. This website (and the classes that support it) is the product of collaborations at the University of Georgia among the English Department, the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Digital Library of Georgia, and the DigiLab.

Questions about the manuscript, edition, and project can be directed to Dr. Camp.

Investigative Teams

Principle Investigator: Dr. Cynthia Turner Camp, Associate Professor of English

Fall 2016 student co-investigators. The students in Fall 2016 (aka Hargrett Hours 1.0) began the investigation into the Hargrett Hours, its texts, its provenance, and its material makeup. Their textual transcriptions, research into the manuscript’s Use, and codicological investigations laid the foundation for all subsequent classes’ work.

Veronica Block; Shelley Brooks; Miranda Clay; Rachel Costa; Meg Dominey; Sara Funk; Sam Harper; Madison Hogan; Sarah Kate Johnson; Sarah Landry; Katie Lech; Kaley Lefevre; Jared Long; Jasmine Paxton; Lainie Pomerleau; Jessica Roberts; Ty Stewart; Ashton Taylor; Nicholas Vowell; David Zeagler.

Fall 2018 student co-investigators. The students in Fall 2018 (aka Hargrett Hours 2.0) built upon the work of Fall 2016 and independent study research in 2017. They edited and completed the research into the Passion of Christ according to the Gospel of John and the auxiliary prayers. Students in this course also designed the edition website with support from the DigiLab.

Savannah Caldwell; Georgia Earley; Christian Gallichio; Kristina Going; Katherine Haire; Kara Krewer; Mikaela LaFave; Katie Lech; Zachary McCannon; Ceciley Pangburn; Lucas Vaughn; Emily Walls.

Fall 2019 student co-investigators. The students in Fall 2019 (aka Hargrett Hours 3.0) took this project in a different direction. With equipment and personnel support from UGA’s Center for Applied Isotope Studies, including the invaluable assistance of Dr. Alice Hunt, the students investigated the chemical makeup of the inks and pigments used to write and decorate the Hargrett Hours. [Student names are redacted because FERPA permission was not secured.]

Fall 2023 student co-investigators. The students in Fall 2023 (aka Hargrett Hours 4.0) focused on the contents of the calendar and the suffrages, and they also looked into possible connections with the royal chapel of Sainte-Chapelle. They edited the calendar and the suffrages (building on the work of the Fall 2016 cohort) and published those editions on the website, began the research into the calendar, suffrages, and questions of provenance, and built a foundation for future classes, including the Spring 2024 independent study team.

Mounawar Abbouchi; Kathryn Akers; Frankie Avalos; Inti Cristano Guder; Isa Davis; Grace Deaton; Zack Dow; Kristina Durkin; Hailey Flythe; Kate Gottsman; Jillian Hanna; Rebecca Haulk; Lauren Mattson; Rachel Menikoff; Kazrin Novus; Anya Ricketson; Jordan Stanley; Rachel Warner.

Independent study student co-investigators. Students in the primary courses sometimes continue research into the Hargrett Hours through Directed Reading courses with Dr. Camp. These projects are critical to the continued development of this extended research project.

2017-18: Katie Lech (frequency and circulation of the seven auxiliary prayers in the Hargrett Hours); Madison Hogan (frequency and standardization of the Long Hours of the Passion).

Spring 2024: Mounawar Abbouchi (French prayers in Parisian Books of Hours); Frankie Avalos and Rachel Warner (the Hargrett Hours calendar); Isa Davis (Crown of Thorns devotion in Parisian Books of Hours); Grace Deaton (Mary of Egypt in French Books of Hours); Rebecca Haulk (Genevieve in Parisian Books of Hours); Lauren Mattson (saints invoked for medical healing in French Books of Hours); Jordan Stanley (beguines as book owners).

Fall 2024: Grace Deaton and Rebecca Haulk (further research into the Hargrett Hours suffrages)

Supporting Staff and Faculty

UGA Libraries

Jason Hasty, Librarian, Hargrett Library

Anne Meyers DeVine, Librarian, Hargrett Library

Kat Stein, Director of the Hargrett Library

Emily Luken, Library Subject Liaison for Art, Religion

Kristin Nielsen, Library Subject Liaison for English (2018-2023)


Emily McGinn, Digital Humanities Coordinator (2018)

Caleb Crumley, DigiLab Graduate Assistant (2018)

Michael Allen, UGA Libraries Web Application Developer (2024)


Digitization of Hargrett MS 836 was undertaken in Summer 2018 at the Digital Library of Georgia with the support of coordinator Mary Willoughby. The book was photographed by Julia Dinkins and Joanna Vass, with the assistance of Mary Linnemann and Mary Willoughby, using a Digital Transitions RCam with a PhaseOne IQ3 100 MP digital back. The images were edited and processed in Capture One 10 CH, and the color calibration was done using a Golden Thread Device Level DICE target with FADGI star validation using the web application. Post-processing and quality control was done by Mary Linnemann.

The digital images of the Hargrett Hours have been deemed to be out of copyright in the United States and are made available here with the permission and aid of the UGA Special Collections Libraries.

Website created August 2018; last updated May 2024.

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