Welcome to the Hargrett Hours Edition Website. This page intends to walk readers through the process of navigating the Hargrett Hours Edition Website.
About the Project
The recommended starting location for the website is the “About” page which provides an overview of the Hargrett Hours for new visitors. Under this tab, you will find information about the editorial conventions used by the team for providing transcriptions of the Gospel according to John and the Passion Prayers. To learn more about the investigators, read the “Credits” page. If you are looking for information on how to cite this work, refer to the “Citations” page.
Under this page, you can also access the web pages for the Hargrett Library and the UGA DigiLab who assisted with this project, as well as the Hargrett Hours blog if you would like to learn more about this ongoing project.
Hargrett Library | DigiLab | Course Blog
Manuscript Edition
To access the Manuscript Edition, navigate to the Manuscript Edition on the top navigation bar. From here, you can select the part of the manuscript you would like to view. For those sections of the book that have transcriptions available, there will be a “Start Here” button available. Click on this button to pull up the viewer. In the transcription viewer, mouse over the image to show boxes that indicate that a transcription exists. Click on the boxes to pull up the transcription. Navigation buttons are at the bottom of the page for you to move forward and backward through the transcribed sections of the manuscript.
Manuscript Facsimile
The next tab is a manuscript facsimile. You may scroll through the entire manuscript at the bottom of the viewer on this page. This facsimile contains no explanatory notes or transcriptions.
Navigate to the “Commentary” tab in the top navigation bar to access contextual essays written by investigators in the project. Contextual essays cover topics found to be immediately relevant to the Hargrett Hours.
The Commentary Bar also has downloadable PDFs of the Diplomatic Transcriptions of transcribed portions of the text. The Diplomatic Transcription has not been edited for punctuation, capitalization, or to correct words split over line breaks.
Hargrett Hours Edition Blog
The final tab to the right is for the Blog associated with the Hargrett Hours.
The “Hargrett Hours Edition Blog” houses student and professor posts dealing with the Hargrett Hours directly. Organized by around two iterations of the course (1.0 and 2.), as well as an independent study (1.5), posts track research updates as we learn more about our Book of Hours.
For more generalized postings about Books of Hours, Course Design, and other Medieval holdings in UGA’s Hargrett Library, please go to the “Manuscripts at UGA” blog, a separate web resource that includes all posts not directly related to the Hargrett Hours.
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