Cite Migration

Authored by Cynthia Turner Camp

In 2024, this website migrated from its original home as part of UGA’s DigiLab to an independent server under the domain. We remain grateful for the support provided by the UGA DigiLab in establishing the website in 2018, maintaining it in the interim, and assisting with the migration and support thereafter.


Choosing the Theme

Authored by Emily Walls

Upon beginning this project and starting with a blank WordPress skeleton, we knew that we wanted a theme that would emphasize clarity, easy navigation, and a simple user interface. After browsing through the themes offered through WordPress, we settled on the theme “Shuttle Dark” due to its simplicity and professional appearance. The most appealing design element of Shuttle Dark was the very simple top navigation bar across the top page, which also allowed us to use drop-down menu feature. We also considered how we would be able to integrate images into our homepage design, and Shuttle Dark left us with several blank spaces to upload our own images.


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