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clementer exaudi ut qui pro affectu venerandam beate marie egipciace recolit sollempnitatem ejus ap[u]d te peccatorum obtineat remissionem. Per (Christu)m (et)c.

De la magdelaine
Ant(ienne) In diebus illis mulier que erat in civitate peccatrix. Ut cognovit quod (Christ)us accubuit in domo symonis leprosi Attulit alabastrum ungue(n)ti et stans secus pedes domini n(ostr)i jhesu (Christ)i lacrimis cepit rigare pedes ejus et capillis capitis sui tergebat (et) obsculabatur pedes ejus et ungue(n)to ungebat. verþ

[The following leaf is missing that would have contained the ending of the suffrage for Mary Magdalene and the beginning of the suffrage for Saint Apollonia.] 

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